Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy Our 5th Anniversary, My Dear..

ini adalah late entry aku..anniversary aku pada 06/06/09 aritu..alhamdulilahhh..dapat jugak aku menyambut anniversary aku bersama suami ku yang tercinta..dah 5 tahun bersama..rasa macam baru je kawen aritu..hihihik..dengan happy nye aku kasi present kat die..baju kecil dari jajakraf yang bertemakan football team kegemaran die..manchester city..ermm..thanks jaja..mmg cute kerjatangan u..dan juga cupcake special order from Erma coklat cupcake yang memang sedap..tak sampai bape minit tinggal bape ketul jerk..hehehe..biasa laa..suami aku dan anak2 aku mmg gile coklat kek..termasuk la akuuu..wakakaka..

On our anniversary
I think back to when we first met
when we first dated
when we first loved each other
when we first had a disagreement
when we first made up
when we first lived together
And I realize that
every day is an anniversary for us
of something we felt together
of something we touched together
of something we shared together
of something we did together
But today is the most important
milestone of all
It is the anniversary
of the day that we joined each other
in marriage
a day we promised that for the rest of our lives
we would love each other
Especially today
I want to let you know that
I love being married to you
because I love you so much

Poem by Susan Polis Schutz

Happy First Anniversary dear..
I love you more each and everyday
I'll always pray for us, for you, for me, for our true happiness
This is the life that I wanted so much before
And I am thankful to Allah for giving me this chance
To know you
To love you
To have you in my life
Life is too short
So I don't want to miss anything about you
Not only from today
But from the day I know you
You are my one and only 'gulahati'
Even though it's not sweet all the time
But I do appreciate when the sweetness ties us up togther.

Love you,
Your wifey
'cepat la mummy!! dah tak saba nak makan cupcake ni!'
die yang tak saba okeh..tercangok depan cupcake sementara aku tgh snap gamba..hehe..
(gamba diambil waktu malam..so, agak gelap gulita sket..)


p/s: mana hadiah aku?? adalahhhhh..rahsiaaaaa..hahahaha..cuma efa dan kak rose je yang tau..jeng jeng jeng...